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Had enough... I am walking away.

How do you go about walking out when there is little children involved?


Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

Hi @Chris3,

Firstly welcome to the forums - I am really glad you have come here to get some support and advice.

Can you tell us a bit more about the situation you are dealing with? A lot of our members here have experiences where kids are involved so I am sure you will find some supportive responses. You can also use the search bar at the top of the forums to look for topics you may be interested in.

Being a carer can be trying and tiring and I understand if you are feeling this way at the moment.


Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

@Chris3 Hi Chris3 without stating the obvious you need a very good lawyer with experience in these kinds of matters. Wishing you well.

Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

I have to save myself first, kids is an on going process. Trust me on this, if I get up and take the kids all hell will break lose and they will be returned. The support networks for some not as good... or there at all. Psychologic all abuse is an arbitrary matter , Short term action does not negate long term best interests.

Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

As for enlightens to situation ... 5 kids to 4 different women. Why, because I let my feet do the talking. Ages 26m, 15f, 12f, 6m, 4f. It is a long story, you have to choose your battles wisely. Spent 5 yrs enduring DOC to get Miss15 out of care only to be told at final hand over/end they tell me legally they could not give her to me because of Family Court order in another country. 5 yrs of my life gone because of departmental BS.

Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

@Chris3 Hi Chris3 if you want kind words of encouragement this is the place for it. I cannot imagine what your situation is like so I wont pretend to. We have a great bunch of people on the forums who will be supportive. Take care.

Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

Interesting label... Casual contributer. Is that like the label disengaged? Is it an environmental or genetic perspective?

Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

Sorry if my retorts are smart are, just venting. Gotten used to not discussing the issues I face as often told am delusional. I am currently watching my mental health deteriorate ... my thinking's or others is arbitrary and before I judge myself it would be best to dig my feet in where Terra firma is sound. I can help no one whilst a yoke of confusion burdens my drive. The worst bit I find is trust in others... especially entities with vast resources. Having lots of tools at hand to defuse or remedy can be a lost cause with blinkers on. I often reflect and wonder if my world is just as I wish it to not be... the small child who inadvertantly creates that which he/she fears.

Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

I want to rise above the the dust and derbis to see who is causing, who is fixing and who us watching with great glee the dysfunctional family life. Yes it is a fractured step family with all the stereotypical drama. Currently looking for a good ladder to gain height ... A swim to the surface for air. Even when and if I find a ladder I have to choose the right wall. Some may whoa... chill. Alas it is a slippery slope and sitting still will more than likely result in bed sores... Yes I made the bed. In the news time and time again we see the results of people taxed beyond there means when it comes to rapport of an intimate nature. I often asked why they did not turn and walk away. Flight or flight.... Often described as absent dads....

Re: Had enough... I am walking away.

... Or DV