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Re: Relationship between trauma & other MI diagnoses

Dear all,

I've been taking things quietly with the forums, and elsewhere. Noticed I had started cycling quite rapidly between depression and mania. Sometimes forum posts were upsetting me a great sdeal - not because anyone was being unkind, quite the reverse. I just could not handle seeing people treated like footballs by the MH sector without being able to help in any way.

Still trying to take it quietly whilst doing what I'm passionate about.

I recently found a whole bunch of info which I think many of you will be interested and probably unsurprised by. Studies on what are called ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and the long term health effects. I'll post a few links here for you to check it out.

You can do a Google search on it too. Have to go, my 7yo is sick.

Hope for healing endures...

Kindest regards, Kristin

Re: Relationship between trauma & other MI diagnoses

Hi Kristin,

Im so happy to 'see' you again! But glad you know yourself well enough and have that insight to be able to take a break as needed. 

I've seen those studies before and they are interesting,

Hope your little one is better soon,


Re: Relationship between trauma & other MI diagnoses

Thanks LJ,

It's lovely to "see" you too. I've just put her to bed with 3 chapters of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. She wants more of course. I'm too wrecked tho. She gave me her cold last week in time for my birthday and I had a whopping migraine to boot first thing. I seem to have nearly got over that and now she has gastro - it's going around according to the GP. So I am hoping I odon't catch that too!


Take care of you my friend, love to everyone. I do think of you often, and when I'm well enough I read my digests sometimes. I keep you in my prayers. Back when I can.

Heartto you all


Re: Relationship between trauma & other MI diagnoses

Oh no!!! Fingers crossed you dont catch anything else!! Sharing is not always great! 😄 but hard when you're cuddling and caring for them! Keep warm and look after your self too,


Re: Relationship between trauma & other MI diagnoses

I was tramatized from the abuse I received in a relationship I was in many years ago. I have never been the same since. Yet, I have matured, & know now, NEVER to trust or get deceived into another relationship with an angry controlling person like him again. 

Re: Relationship between trauma & other MI diagnoses


I know a lady at Anglicare who has done papers and includes stuff on childhood adversity and trauma. Maybe its slower to get into the mainstream of our system cos we are so small in Oz.