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Re: Supporting kids to return to school after lockdown

@Former-Member  hahaha

Ours just calls it “the virus”, he was staying at grandmas recently and apparently he said I’m tired I think I have the virus and will constantly say in public I’m sick I have the virus. I dread the day he says it at kinder or school. We’ve already had “THE VIRUS” twice mate just be quiet gahhh 

We have 4 orientation days in November I think? so quiet a while away, we live right near the school so we mention it when we drive past or we go to play on the playground on weekends and we tell him this is school and he says “no im going to be a wombat at work” which makes absolutely no sense to anyone else but the mascot of my work is a wombat if that kinda helps. 


Other times it’s bought up he has a meltdown over it. 


He may need extra support getting ready for school and or possibly at school. That will help hopefully. Were going through that at the minute. We started the process earlier in the year but wanted to try a few different things before we went down this path fingers crossed they can help 

Re: Supporting kids to return to school after lockdown

It is such an interesting time for me to navigate hey…
and I keep thinking about it, he looks nothing like me cause we aren’t actually related but sometimes I see little me, it helps sometimes cause I think “what would he have needed” a big cuddle for starters…

Re: Supporting kids to return to school after lockdown

@ArraDreaming  I love the concept of looking at your little guy and seeing a little you, and thinking about what you would have needed- that is so beautiful, and so spot on I think! I've had moments like that too- it kind of helps me to strip away all of my adult over-thinking about things, and remember that often what kids need in those moments is to feel safe, have that connection, and have a cuddle!


It's great that you can go and have some plays at the school playground, hilarious about the wombat comment! I think that having that level of familiarity (and even knowing things like where to find the loo) make a huge difference for little people when they first start school. 


Does your school do a year 6 buddy type of system, where kindy kids are paired up with an older buddy for the first few terms? That was something that our older kiddo loved. It's great that you're looking at different support options for him too. 

Re: Supporting kids to return to school after lockdown

Hey @ArraDreaming My biggest is in year 1 this year (NSW) so second year of school. We've had a really rough year getting him there. He tells me he doesn't really like school. He has lots of friends and the teachers like him and I can't see any major issues so I'm hoping he will grow out of it. A daily drop off routine and visual schedule has helped a bit. Well done for getting your little one to a stage where he's excited about it. It makes life so much easier and hey celebrate the wins where you can!! 😄

We go back to school next week so I'll check back and let you know how it goes. Wish me luck! 😓

Re: Supporting kids to return to school after lockdown

@Former-Member Exactly and sometimes my partner can see the cogs going in my head and she says to me “don’t over think it”…

Its easy to forget how young they are, sometimes getting the green bowl when you were expecting red really is the end of the world. I remember what it was like to feel invalidated over things like that when I was young and maybe I give in too much because of it I don’t know, but if I can swap the bowl over to make his day a bit better why wouldn’t I? To me it may be trivial but to him it’s not. 

I think they do, I’m actually not sure as my partner has done the enrolment but from what I’ve heard they do have a little buddy program. We will find out more as we get closer.

Re: Supporting kids to return to school after lockdown

it’s good to get him going to kinder, he enjoys it but any mention of school for some reason just throws him right off but he isn’t 5 for ages so have to take that into account. looking at possibly adhd so that may help us understand how his brain works and what he might need.


In saying all of this though he boycotted kinder before he even started and told us he’d scream everyday if we took him and that’s turned out relatively ok so we’ll see how it all pans out. 

Your school holidays must run on a different schedule than ours, kids in Victoria just went back this week. 

Re: Supporting kids to return to school after lockdown

Also we just spent 2 years lockdown we have to give these kids the credit they deserve for going to kinder/school when they just spent 2 years watching bluey all day and eating icecream whenever they wanted

Re: Supporting kids to return to school after lockdown

Love this about the bowls @ArraDreaming You're a great Dad! 

Just reporting back as I said I would and so far all good here. We've gone from clutching the school gate and screaming to walking in by himself! Fingers crossed that continues. 

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