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Re: Does anyone want to talk

I socialise and go to the gym lately @ArraDreaming I don't have a partner and like to keep busy, so I don't get into my head. RiverSeal 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I hope everyone is okay @ArraDreaming 🥰


Been a quiet day for me with lots of rest. I have so much work to get done but restricted with my hand. I did catch up on some sleep though so that is a bonus.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah, all good we made it through,

We were in last night @Zoe7 @tyme @Jynx (cause I think you might be interested) had a fire outside marshmallows all that and we all slept in the lounge room on the mattresses 🤣🤣 I’m pretty sure the kids think the camping life is permanent
Nicki is having the time of her life I couldn’t find her today she was running around miles away sniffing everything
Kids have got their bikes so they are

Dream come true really (ugh emotions, wankkkky as)

Re: Does anyone want to talk

omg, that sounds sensational @ArraDreaming ! Makes me jealous! It's like the dream place to live! Wow wow and more wows!

Re: Does anyone want to talk

It is awesome @tyme very happy
We think we got a pretty good deal
Own boat ramp/creek access and so much space
and still only between 15 and 20 mins from where we were / school and all that

Not far from anything the beach isn’t too far either
We are really happy
Financially I hope it helps, I think it will eventually it’s just the moving part that seems to cost an arm and leg but once we are in and settled I think it will be good

we definitely are a family that needs their space this is what we have always needed

Re: Does anyone want to talk

The house is older, compare to our house before but it’s the sacrifices you make for a lifestyle change I guess @tyme we can put up with an old house on lots of space instead of a newer house with less space outside
We live 90% outside anyway lol

Re: Does anyone want to talk

So lovely to hear you have all moved and already settled in to the new lifestyle @ArraDreaming No doubt you would all be tired with the move but knowing the space you are all going to have must help that.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

We are happy @Zoe7 this afternoon we had a fire outside with our dinner and cake
I think you will laugh at this cause you know kids
This morning I heard “dad a jarf!!… A floating jarf! LOOK” (excited squealing)
I was like what is going on in the back of the car what is a jarf
Then my oldest son pointed out a 15ft giraffe statue being transported on the back of someone’s trailer 🤣🤣
A floating jarf 😂

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Oh that is gold @ArraDreaming 🦒

Re: Does anyone want to talk

 Would you rather be anywhere else right now? @tyme @Zoe7 @Jynx this is literally on our property 



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