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Re: Does anyone want to talk

It’s ok, I am working today but just having a break, waiting on one of my kids to get here he’s gonna tag along for the ride for a few hours @Ru-bee

Re: Does anyone want to talk

school holiday life @Ru-bee

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Oh nice, so you'll have company for the rest of your work day @ArraDreaming?


I used to love tagging along going to work with my dad when I was a kid, he's a landscape gardener so it usually meant I'd get to plant some plants and get maccas for lunch

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Yeah he’ll probs just ride his bike around and then help me with some stuff.

that’s what I do!! @Ru-bee
I work in a retirement village so my job also has some maintenance components as well as the gardening side
I used to work in a plant nursery and before that did customer work

Re: Does anyone want to talk

What a coincidence @ArraDreaming ! 


Yeah getting to ride around the retirement village sounds like it'd be a fun way to spend a school holiday day. I didn't even realise school holidays are here already! Do you have anything planned to keep the kids busy?

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Here in Vic it just started but I think other states don’t run by our term calendar @Ru-bee
I’m working pretty much all of it… but we will try to do a few fun things with them, 3 little ones under 6 so we are trying to juggle work, holidays and doing some fun stuff with them.,.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@Zoe7 @tyme you should see how close little miss is to taking a step shes 1 next month can you beleive it 😲

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I can hold her by her hands now while she takes some steps holding on @Zoe7

Re: Does anyone want to talk

OMG @ArraDreaming I cannot believe she is nearly 1 - that year has flown. So cute she is taking some steps with your help. I bet you smile eveytime she does that.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

the best!! @Zoe7 and she has these two little piggy tails and ah i still can’t believe I have a daughter some days