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Re: Darkness

I am safe me love. I an wirn my brothwr 


Re: Darkness

Hold on @Lee82 @Former-Member 

Sending you both 💞💪🤗



Re: Darkness

Dear @Former-Member ... I am really saddened to read your news regarding the phone call from your sister this morning.  Your ex-BIL must have been in a really bad place, and I'm deeply sorry that there appears little hope of his survival.  Although your sister was essentially estranged from him in recent years, it does not mean that she would not retain strong feelings for him now.  As father to her children alone, this is a devastating loss.  I can understand that you would not be knowing how to take this news right now. You will have some good memories of him, and I hope you can hang onto those.  It sounds like you will also have some not so good recollections ... as shown to others, if not you.  Many mixed feelings I expect.  My thoughts are with you right now Izzy, and also with your sister and her children.


Emelia 🤗🌺

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Re: Darkness

Thanks Em, I am sorry you got to read that however as I shouldn't have posted anything until my mind was clear. I am so messed up today with a workcover psychiatrist this morning and then that news. My nieces and nephews are clearing devastated, he had been an absentee father but they all loved him very much. I am at a loss of what to do, as I can't be with them right now. They will all be at my sisters trying to make sense of their loss and that is just too many people, not to mention tooo much emotion with the possibility of anger outbursts. I feel useless. 

Em, I hope your day is beautiful and gentle just like you. ❤️ @Emelia8 

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Re: Darkness

Thank you @Anastasia , I really appreciate you and your support. 

@Lee82 , I was very happy to hear you where with your brother last night. I hope today is a little better for you my love. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Hey beautiful. I am doing a little better today. Under 24 hour surveillance again. With mum all day today then my brother is coming back over tonight to sleep the night. 

my love what I have been able to gather you are dealing with the loss of your BIL. I am so so very sorry to hear that 😢 I can understand your mixed feelings about it all hun. That is a very tough situation to be dealing with especially after your psych appointment this morning. Jusy so much going on for you. Just know that you and your family are in my thoughts and in my heart and I am again so very sorry to hear that news. 
love you to the moon and back my love. 

Re: Darkness

 @Lee82 Smiley Sad @Former-Member Smiley Sad@Emelia8 



Re: Darkness

Its alright @Former-Member , no need to apologise.  I know today is really hard for you with the workcover psychiatrist and then the sad news from your sister.  I can understand you feeling useless and at a loss on what to do, what to feel or how best to help your sister and nieces and nephews.  The important thing is that your sister has her children around her right now, so she is supported. You dont need to do anything.  Your sis knows you're there for her in whatever capacity you can offer.  Let your sister know that you are available by phone if she wants to talk to you at some point.  It may well be the case that she wants a little time alone as she absorbs everything thats happening around her. Her need for you may come later.  


I'm having a quiet day here thanks Izzy.  And thanks for your kind words.  💕  You havent said how your workcover psych apt went today.  I hope it went as well as possible. Workcover things are almost inevitably a battle to save money for the insurer .. rather than to do whats right for the harmed employee.  Although there are exceptions, and I hope thats the case for you.  


Hi @Lee82 .. really pleased to hear that your much loved brother has been staying with you and helping to keep you safe.  


Thank you sweet @Anastasia and love and hugs in return.


Emelia 🤗💞

Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Thank you so very much for all your support @Emelia8 and @Anastasia . It is always heart warming every time I see your posts or 👍
I hope you both are doing ok. It has been a very very busy day today running around with mum mainly for Mum but I am finally home waiting for my boys to get home from school and my brother should be here any minute so I thought I would sit down and keep busy on here with my friends.. Not allowed to be home on my own for too long. 😕

I am exhausted and am hoping tonight I will be able to get some decent sleep. 

my love just wanted to let you know that you are in my heart and I have had you in my thoughts all day. Love you babe. @Former-Member 

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Re: Darkness

@Emelia8  @Lee82 @Anastasia , thank you all for your kind words and support it was very much needed today. I haven't been able to text my nieces and nephews feeling horrible right now. As for my appointment today, the psychiatrist was really lovely and easy to talk to, she even invited hubby to come in towards the end. At the end of the day sadly @Emelia8  is right and they are looking for a way or reason to end my compensation claim. At the end of the day all I can do is tell them everything and hope they keeping helping me. 

@Anastasia , hope you and your boy are doing ok today. Thanks for the pictures they put a smile on this tried worn face. You give so much of your time and it's really appreciated. You are a good soul

Em, I really appreciate the time you have taken to send me messages while you have so very much going. Thank you so much my beautiful friend. @Emelia8 


@Lee82 ,  beautiful what has happened to put you back on 24 hr care?? I am glad you have your mum and brother to help you with that. I know mum's not your favourite person but she is keeping you physically safe and for that I am greatful. If you can would you post at least once tonight to let me know that your brother is indeed with you. Love you very much Mel. @