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Welcome & getting started

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New here

Hi just saying hello as I’m new here and new to this type of forum. 

I have major depression and have been struggling the last 8weeks with it. I’m just feeling tried a lot n seem to be struggling with anxiety and mild panic attacks. 
Each day is different but some days being great and others being so draining. Hoping that expressing myself more regularly will help. 


Re: New here

Hi @Violet9 Welcome to the Sane forums.

I have major depression too amongst other things.

I find the forums a really good place to interact with others like myself and also as a place were I can express how I am doing and feelings.


Yes, each day is very different. Sometimes we really do need that extra support.

I hope you find this forum a very caring place like I do.


Will be so good to get to know you more.

Re: New here

Hi, welcome to Sane, this place has been great for me.

Tell us a bit more about you 🙂

Re: New here

Hey @Violet9 ,


Welcome to the forums! This is certainly a place to connect with others. Many of us have been down that path before and therefore have experienced feelings similar to yours.


It's great you've been able to connect with us. 


We look forward to seeing you around.

Re: New here

Hi there @Violet9 . Welcome to the forums. It’s great to meet you. I hope you find the forums a helpful and friendly space to be. I’m a Community Guide here on the forums and I have a lived experience of depression so I can relate to what you are going through. I find that setting small goals each day can help me deal with the periods when I’m depressed, such as getting out of bed and going outside for some sun, as at least I’ve achieved something in my day and it’s not a waste. I often post my accomplishments on the forums which helps me as I’m made to stop and think about what I’ve done during the day and it’s a great reminder of what I’ve accomplished. I also get ideas from other forum members about things they’ve achieved which helps me if I become bored or depressed as I can use them as things to do in the future.


Take care!


Re: New here

Hi @Violet9,

Welcome to the Forum and thank you for sharing.

I hope that you can see what a lovely and supportive community we have here just by the previous posts from the lovely @Snowie@ArraDreaming@tyme & @Judi9877.

I'm sorry that you've been struggling these last couple of months, anxiety and panic attacks are horrible to experience.

Is there something you can do to help you when your anxiety is getting bad? And do you have any supports?

When my anxiety is quite bad and I'm having bad panic attacks, I try really hard to remember to focus on my breathing, do some drawing, listening to music or play a bit of a game to ground myself. I'm also currently trying to get into journaling at the moment, as that helps me gather my thoughts as well.

So, I think you expressing yourself more regularly is a wonderful idea for self-care, and good on you for reaching out.


Know that you're not alone,


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