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Re: Compassion fatigue: When caring hurts too much

Thanks for the reply glad to know im not alone. Thanks for the kind words.

Re: Compassion fatigue: When caring hurts too much

Thankyou Maddison, thankyou for your support, your advice was great and I think you are right about dont wrorry about the references. I guess its just a learning curve caring for someone. Im gonna speak to my dr next week and see what she suggests about the whole situation, if not just for something for me to manage my stress levels.

Re: Compassion fatigue: When caring hurts too much

@Kat80 @maddison 

Caring roles are difficult. Wish I could offer better advice.  Atm I am thrust again into one.  Two of my medical supports say I should refuse to do anything, but I am a mum and cannot..  I hope sharing and reading others stories helps you sift through options and carve out your own path in it.


Re: Compassion fatigue: When caring hurts too much

Hi @Kat80@maddison@Shaz51 & all following along 😊 Firstly, I want to give a shout out to all of you who care and give of yourselves to support the loved ones in your lives, and I'm so sorry you're experiencing these things- compassion fatigue and burnout can be so hard. I'm hoping these few resources might help- Sane has an article on carer burnout & Carer Gateway also has a few tips. Please don't forget to take care of yourselves too- something I've learnt (& at times relearnt or been reminded of, often the hard way) is that you can't take care of others unless you take care of yourself first. Wishing all of you the very best as you navigate this road. Feel free to keep posting here for support among your peers as you need. You're not alone in this! 💜

Re: Compassion fatigue: When caring hurts too much

Really appreciate everyones comments, Im off to the doc tommorow so Ill let you know how it goes. Im hoping I will feel more positive after that.

Re: Compassion fatigue: When caring hurts too much

That's great news @Kat80. I  just realised that you posted this yesterday. How did it go? It's inspiring to hear you are taking action. My GP prescribed me an anti depressant a few years ago. Mainly for insomnia, but also depression. It has helped tremendously, more than any other AD but I was unaware of the side effects & now am miserable with my substantial weight gain.  (Perhaps I'm also comfort eating) I had no idea how difficult  it was going to be to stop taking & am in the process of a very slow tapering process at the moment. It is the hardest AD to stop. I wish I had known some of this before I started & almost feel as its irresponsible for GPs to prescribe,  considering withdrawals. Just thought I'd share my experience. If you are consider meds, also maybe research. I am always around if you ever need to vent, or if not, that is fine too 💜🙂

Re: Compassion fatigue: When caring hurts too much

Hey TT.

Thanks for the article you linked on sane re: carer burnout.

had a set back today with my partner who i care for and this really helped me. Thank you.