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Senior Contributor

Night terrors

Does anyone have experience with night terrors? If so how do you deal with them?
I really should get around to doing more research on it because it has a pretty big impact on my life. Sometimes I am living in misery only to fall asleep and enter some kind of violent, vivid,disturbing nightmare...there is no peace..


Re: Night terrors

hi there @Winterz

i have had night terrors before however most of the ones that make me 'violent' i dont remember but i do deal with som crappy nightmares. personally i havent found anything helpful yet. sometimes if i can relax enough it helps but i have many triggers some i still ahvent identified so am still learning quite alot for sure. 

im wondering if you have any mh support like gp, psych, psychiatrist? sometimes medications help, sometimes working through our issues with a psych help too

have you found anything has helped in the past?

Not applicable

Re: Night terrors

Hello @Winterz

Nice to meet you, it sounds like a really tough experience to be constantly trying to sleep and waking up to scary night terrors, sounds exhausting too.

Like @outlander mentioned it is helpful to get some support for managing these with a GP, Psychologist or Counsellor to work through ways of calming and grounding yourself once they occur and finding ways of having a good nights sleep so you are not exhausted the next day.

Doing research is also helpful, there are lots of strategies to be used, such as muscle relaxation, breathing, guided relaxation apps. Have you tried any of those before?

Re: Night terrors

Yep. I use rain apps and mindfulness etc..cheers

Re: Night terrors


Yeah I don't currently see anyone, haven't for a while. Need to re o organise something..but no meds don't really help me with the night terrors...

Re: Night terrors

Hi @Winterz, my GP put me on a low dose benzo. I went from waking up petrified and running outside to being able to at least stay in bed at night. I don't try to delay sleep anymore. Didn't totally stop it but decreased intensity. Everyone is different though and some things can help one but not others. Hope you get some peace.

Re: Night terrors

Oh wow. It never crossed my mind to speak to a GP about it. I guess I just
assumed that it's not their field of expertise, so never bothered.

Re: Night terrors

Hi @Winterz . I know we were discussing this a fair while ago. I wanted to ask the question    do you think your night terrors increased when and if you took anti phychotics?  I sort of feel that maybe my night mares/ terrors/sleep disturbances increased or even became uncontrollable due to my anti phychotic.  It was so bad that it felt like i was having hallucinations in my sleep. Maybe they had nothing to do with it. Just asking

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