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Re: Why "Orwellian"?

@Serenity1  It seems that the systems which are in place to serve some of those needing help. I am not sure of the criteria that is used to determine who falls into the group which is assisted.

I was not aware of, until recently, the law which limits the level of confidentiality that is offered. My perception is that confidentiality has to be absolute or it does not exist, but that view is not held by all. I just know that having been harmed by those restrictions means the services are no longer an option. There should be a service available where anything can be discussed, even if that requires a waiver.

There is a rational part of me which is able to observe the damaged self. It can see that I am not able to cope in many situations and that my reactions are becoming progressively worse. Awareness of this can be very frightening as can the nightmares which disturb me at night. In the past, when these symptoms were not as severe, I have been prescribed medications. Various pills have been tried and each of them made me worse. They had an effect but that was to remove feelings and the result was my questioning if there was any point in such an existence and issues around that dilemma. When seeking help it seems the prescription pad is brought out very quickly so I retreat.

Having been forcibly taken into hospital and detained there before I am terrified of being taken there again. There are many reasons for that fear. The people who are responsible for the bullying which resulted in my PTSD are the same people who manage those services. Having worked there I know what goes on and do not want to be subject to that regime. I have also been there as a medical patient and that was also horrendous. I was a patient for over a week and in that time I ate a few pieces of fruit. Each day the so called meal would arrive at my bed and it would sit there smelling foul until they took it away. Then the dietitian would come to talk about the importance of nutrition. I did find that eating the fruit made me feel more hungry, so just went to water alone. When I was transferred to an interstate hospital I was able to eat after the mandated pre-op fast. So if I was sent back to the same place I would also not be able to eat.

While the services cover many people it seems there are also a large group who are excluded.

Re: Why "Orwellian"?

Hi @Orwellian 

I read 1984 when I was 15 and loved it. 

The first post I read of yours was the ironic glorious day one.


Only just read this thread and am horrified by what you went through.  I have not had luck with phone services.


It seems pretty clear that they contravened your rights according to PACFA as you did not have an intention to carry through plan.


Probably an inexperienced panicked worker, but still no excuse, as the damage done is SIGNIFICANT.  It does not surprise me though, which might be why I have pushed for openness here on the forum.  Dont worry I have been moderated heaps, but have time and somehow have persisted, in somewhat of an MH activist role.


Sorry you dont feel like hanging around on forum, I like you, your straightness and humour.  They are 2 qualities that can get you through a lot of BS.


I had a lot of difficulty getting real on here regarding straight talk, but have persisted.  Now my blee din life story is all over the place, and I am invested I guess.


Take Care of you whatever you do.


Cheers Apple


Re: Why "Orwellian"?

Hi @Appleblossom 


I think you may have slightly missed the point.


They purposely misinterpreted my thoughts to use them as a weapon against me.


The most it would cost them is 26 weeks pay. It is not even their money, it's from the taxpayers. So they get away with doing this and have no repercussions. I was awarded 20 weeks but have not taken it. To get that money I would have to stay silent about the evil they are doing. It is too high a price.

Re: Why "Orwellian"?

Sorry I seemed obtuse. Woman Embarassed


Re: Why "Orwellian"?

No need to apologise. I find it hard to believe that a large employer can be so corrupt and just flagrantly disregard the law. I guess they do because they keep getting away with it.

Re: Why "Orwellian"?

Sorry you dont feel like hanging around on forum, why @Orwellian , we are here for you my friend

Hello @Appleblossom , @Serenity1 , @Former-Member 

Re: Why "Orwellian"?

Thanks @Shaz51 for your comments.


It is not "hanging around on forum" it was a general comment. That has not changed.


The problem I have is it is not possible to discuss issues surrounding the whole concept. It is off limits and forbidden. So then those thoughts just develop and grow. Still it makes the statistics look good and leads to more funding from the public teat.

Why should I upset what is a good little earner and a nice empire for many.



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