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Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

My love please go easy on yourself. Remember you are grieving too. I'm sure your sister, niece and nephew know you are thinking of them and when you feel ready I know you will connect with them and be there for them the best you can. 
I am so relieved that the workcover psych was nice to you and I too am hoping that they take your situation seriously and not be thinking only what benefits them. 

my brother is here with me hun and is sleeping the night. He is watching over me very closely. 
I had a moment of weakness. I am so sorry. I just couldn't take the torture anymore. Those episodes I use to have a little while ago have come back and I am not coping with them very well. I am just lost and can't seem to find my way. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Good morning my love. How are you feeling this morning? Were you able to get some sleep?


Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Good morning @Emelia8. how are you going today hun? Any plans for the weekend? 


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Re: Darkness

Good morning sweetie, I am ok I guess. Not wanting to go to my 2 hour MH appointment this morning😔 But hubby has gotten me out of the house and we are having brekky by the beach so that's nice. How was your night? @Lee82 

Re: Darkness

Good morning @Lee82  ... I'm doing better now than at any time over the past month .. thanks Lee.

No plans for the weekend though ... might get some more of my Diamond Painting done.

How long will your brother be staying with you?


Hi @Former-Member ... glad the workcover appointed psychiatrist was kind and nice.  Fingers crossed any support you are currently receiving will continue, or even be increased.  


Not sure where best to call out to @greenpea ... read your worry room post sweet Pea.  Hope you are okay, but thought you may be in need of a hug this morning.  See below.


Hi also to @Anastasia @outlander @frog @NatureLover  and any others looking in here today.


Much love to each of you, and wishing you a better day.


Emelia 🤗💕


Image result for Need a hug?


Image result for Hug for you

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Re: Darkness

Awwwe Em you hit me in the heart with your tweetie picture💙💙💙💙 Firstly tweetie is my favourite cartoon character, I have bags, clothes and other merchandise with him on it and my next tattoo will be him. Second, this describes me perfectly this morning. Hoping you have an ok day my friend. @Emelia8 

Re: Darkness

I'm glad my Tweetie pic hit the mark @Former-Member  😊🌺

Hoping your psych appointment goes as well as possible today.

Its lovely that you have started your day with breakfast by the beach ... sounds calming and restful.


Love to you

Emelia 💞

Re: Darkness

@Emelia8  Em Heartxxx

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Re: Darkness

Well that session went as well as around peg in a square hole😔 I am beyond exhausted, feeling completely drained and numb. I gave Nat a hug and thanked her for not giving up on me, for not judging me and her patience with me at the end to the two hours and I have a sinking feeling that it was my goodbye to her. I am very switchie and moody so I won't be around later much if at all and same goes for the weekend. I need to let today's session settle and lots of rest. I will be with hubby so no need to stress (Mel 💙) it's just a time out. 

After much consideration I have decided to delete this account and start a fresh with new username ect. I am doing this to ensure my privacy here, I will send the Sane team a message about it later you wanted to give you a heads up. 

sending you all the love I have, some gentle hugs and the hopes for a beautiful weekend. 

@greenpea @Emelia8 @Lee82 @Anastasia @outlander @NatureLover @Sans911 @Zoe7 @Eve7 and anyone else I have forgotten 

Re: Darkness

@Former-Member  Hi sweetheart wishing you a beautiful weekend. May it be full of love and kindness. Love peaHeartxx