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Re: My special place

Even the toilet or bathroom @creative_writer!

Sometimes when I'm out with hubby's friends, I will just go to the bathroom just to get some time to myself. Take some prn, regroup a bit and work up the courage to face them again.


Just watching Big Bang Theory. Nice and easy to watch.


Re: My special place

@Snowie I’ve been spending lots of time alone in my room but if I cry, it’ll look obvious on my face.

Sometimes you do need someone lighthearted to distract yourself. Is your dog with you too?

Re: My special place

No matter how hard you try you can't mask crying @creative_writer 

It is a give away.


It's hard because I can't control when I'm going to cry and the smallest thing may set it off.

I hope your room is a comfort to you and a safe space. We all need that.


Dog is asleep next to me. I wish I could sleep like her!!

Re: My special place

@Snowie I’ve become good at fighting tears, but it is exhausting. I’ve been doing for a very long time.

I feel comfortable in bed. It allows me space to be myself a bit more, but can’t cry still since I’m in a shared house.

Pets are adorable when they sleep. I’ve seen our neighbours cats curled up as a ball sleeping in our backyard. I feel like we have lots of cats in my suburb in Melbourne. I see dogs too

Re: My special place

I'm glad you have your bed @creative_writer We all need a place.

I think it's also a safe space for us, especially when our thoughts aren't too good.


My dog will sleep anywhere, but normally curled up next to me or hubby. For a little dog she takes up a lot of the bed! We haven't got too many cats where we live. Lots of bunnies and kangaroos.


Re: My special place

@Snowie do you think it’s possible for people like us to find safe people? I don’t even feel fully safe with my psych even though it’s a safe space. I do have a lot of anxiety around people which does make it hard to form relationships.

She sounds very needy lol. Dogs generally are always following their owners around, but they are loyal. Bunnies are adorable. Kangaroos are also cute. You probably get to see them more in more rural regions

Re: My special place

@creative_writer it is hard to try and find a safe space, especially when it is so hard to trust people. 


@NatureLover wishing you a good day today hon 💗



Slept well last night thanks to help. Still groggy this morning. 

Re: My special place

@Snowie I hope today is kind day for you 💖

Re: My special place

How are you today @Snowie ?


I'll be on the chat in about half an hour. You're welcome to join if you feel up to it or you want a bit of distraction.

Re: My special place

Better than this morning @tyme 

Hubby made me leave the house. Really didn't want to go but probably needed to get out.

I find going out with him ok, kind of like a security blanket. And didn't go anywhere really busy so that was ok.