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Re: Struggling and Need Support



Where are you at with Centrelink? I assume you have already made an appointment and submitted your documents about losing your job and showing that you are actively looking for work? Normally you would get jobseeker payments two or three weeks after submitting the documents. 


Once you are getting jobseeker payments you are assigned to a Workforce Aust provider to clarify your mutual obligations and then you have to submit proof of fulfilling your points for the fortnight which are mainly job applications (which you are already doing). You are probably already doing more than they demand. It pays to create a MyGov account to link the services together... and download Centrelink app on your phone.


How far have got with this process?

Re: Struggling and Need Support



I have all my services linked in the MyGov app, including what I could setup for Workforce Australia.


I started the Centrelink application process on April 5th, 2024, but because of all the required evidence, like the work termination which took them ages to send through, and the meeting to confirm your ID, the claim was not submitted until May 1, 2024.

I do have a medical certificate from my GP, which I am told makes the application more complicated.


Last week, the claim was put on hold from what I can see in the portal.


Last Wednesday I got a call from someone at Services Australia about my claim and as he was taking me through some information, he said he got an error code (whatever that means). He put me on hold for about 10 minutes, then said he did not need anything from me and the call he made was unnecessary. I was hoping that would fix the on hold status, but the claim is still at that status today (so no longer set to in progress).


I have tried to call them last Friday and again today, but it is almost impossible to talk to an operator. Often after waiting a long time in a queue, you just get this message that all the operators are busy and the system hangs up. If you try to ring back you don't even get through anymore, almost as if it stores your phone number. That has happened multiple times after getting disconnected.


I have no idea what to do, because most of the time when you do talk to someone, they are very quick to point you to their self service portal. I understand the people there are under a lot of pressure to work this way, but there is nothing I can do on a self service portal until the finalise my claim.

Re: Struggling and Need Support

Thanks for the kind words @PizzaMondo 


I will go back to my local Centrelink office tomorrow I think with my specific questions. I really struggle with some of the officers I dealt with in that office previously, as they just seemed like they did not want to help and expected you to know as much about their system and procedures as they do.


I really struggle with navigating that web, especially since being autistic and quite introverted, I struggle to talk to people once they give the vibe they are not there to help. Taking all the questions and requirements too literally is also an issue I have, but I have been told to answer and submit documentation to the best of my ability, and that they will contact you if they need more or something different 

Re: Struggling and Need Support

@fangorn Centrelink is a wonderful system isn't it?!  I was getting 3 month exemptions when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 18 months ago and after 3 of these (3 months was the longest they would do and even that, every extension required multiples calls and runarounds) I got a call from a woman at Services Australia who told me I wouldn't get another one and to apply for the DSP... which took 6 months!  From my experience, thing tend to go much faster if you go down to an office and chat to someone, they always seem to be able to get answers for me then and there.  I got some stuff sorted out with phone calls, but their phone staff was very hit and miss, so I'd suggest going to an office if you can. 


You should get back payed from your application date so hopefully when you do eventually get approved you'll get a nice extra payment.  Hopefully you have a job soon and don't need to deal with them... god knows they don't help much the a persons stress and depression!

Re: Struggling and Need Support

My pleasure @fangorn 🙂

I know exactly what you mean, I think this is a common experience across the offices.. not to undermine your experience, it just shows there is a huge gap, right?! >.<

I just found this - which might be helpful to just mention with your questions ready to ask: - or perhaps asking "who can support me in understanding and guiding me through my application due to learning difficulties/disability/(whatever word you feel comfortable with)??

I suggest that as they are apparently saying that they can provide you with the information you need, but then like.. where is that support?!

This is something that many neurodivergent folk struggle with! (Me included! Hello friend!) Hence, suggesting to go in person (I know it's daunting but it might help with not waiting ten hours on the phone to them just hanging up or cutting the call off) and being prepared with questions and take a pen in with you and note down what you need to. IF you don't understand their response, kindly say something like, "I struggled to understand what you just said. Could you please repeat/reframe that again?"

Alternatively, if you have someone you trust and feel safe with - I wonder if having a support person (friend, family member) with you to ask questions or get info may be an idea?

All the best for tomorrow, you got this!

Re: Struggling and Need Support



I hear you. I think it is part of the human journey to go through a "dark night of the soul". Most are not able to traverse these dark patches and resort to self medication or prescribed chemicals. If you have the capacity, will power and faith to walk into the will be transmuted in the fire that hones the sword of inner strength and resilience. Our faith is always tested during these dark times...hold on to your inner knowing that you are worthy. I know you have the will power and can do this! 


We are here if you need a hand 

Re: Struggling and Need Support



Good luck tomorrow. 

I always go in person because calling in is a waste of an hour and usually comes to nothing. Ask tomorrow to make an appointment so you get someone for half an hour and not just the 5mins over the counter quickie. You might have to wait 10 days to get appt but definitely worth it and tell them you need someone who is specialised to support your particular needs. That may also mean that they link you up with a Workforce provider that will listen and support your needs. They are definitely out there because i spoke with someone at local community centre who does exactly that on behalf of WFA. If you get the right support they are very helpful.

Re: Struggling and Need Support

@MJG017  Wow, you have the gift of encouragement, I think. Your words are so helpful. 



@fangorn  Good luck today with Centrelink...I hope you can get some help with the whole process.

Re: Struggling and Need Support

Wow, you have the gift of encouragement, I think. Your words are so helpful. 


@NatureLoverThank you very much.  I'm never confident about what I write, it never seems like enough, so your message was very encouraging and appreciated.  Maybe we both have 'the gift' 🙂



Re: Struggling and Need Support

You write beautifully @MJG017 - I noticed straight away. And yes, I think you might be right about the gift 🙂