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Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

Hi @Former-Member  and welcome to the forums if you're new.   I have bipolar (1) too and have been in hospital several times over the years - 1st time when I was 25 and most recent 2009 (aged 46), the latter being when I was finally diagnosed with bipolar despite depressions and manias for a few decades, including psychosis several times.  I also have complex PTSD which interacts with the BP and complicates things no end.


I have had a WRAP since around 2011 and find it invaluable.  Of course it's still a work in progress as I add to some of the lists now and then, especially the lists of what I do when I'm 'well' and what it looks like when things are starting to change in either direction.  And some things need to be changed sometimes such as removing certain members of my family from my contacts list, adding new therapists etc. 


I think it's also really good for planning in advance things you do or don't want in the event of an 'episode', people you do or don't want involved, medications and treatments you want or don't want (in my case no consent to ECT shock therapy or a particular drug or category of meds),  who you want to manage things like your finances if you are unable to and a plan for after the episode i.e. how you will regain control of finances etc. 


I would suggest that you simply leave blank for the time being any part of it that you struggle with.  And discuss those areas with your therapists including the one who asked you to do it.  They may have suggestions you haven't thought of.


I had almost no 'informal' supports (family/friends etc) for many years and only now have solid support from 2 members of my family ( now 56).  I tried making 3 others my support people unsuccessfully, tried to educate them about my diagnosis etc and it took quite a while for me to realize that they were no support at all, one of them is actually often a trigger to hypomania for me. 


But without the WRAP I wouldn't have even thought about some of the areas it covers.  The 'Tool Box' is also invaluable.


I also think it's important to tell someone (maybe even your psychiatrist) where you keep it, or give them a copy.  


If you want to discuss it some more with me just tag me.  Eth. 


@Former-Member  Hoping my post is now acceptable.  Happy to edit as long as most of the content can remain.

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

Thanks so much @eth, your post is so encouraging.

I think I’ll be lucky to get through my housework today.

But when I do get round to the wrap I’m sure I’ll have questions for you & I’ll be in touch.

My biggest problem is not having anyone I can trust emotionally for support, but as you say it’s something I’ll have to work through.

Life just ain’t meant to be easy !

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

@Former-Member  For a long time I just had to make do with the professionals, for 5 years it was just one GP.  Not a single person in my daily life or family.  Nowadays I have psychologist and psychiatrist as well.  Plus NDIS funded support workers who I have told what to look for when things are changing for me.  

Looking forward to talking more with you about your WRAP when you're ready.

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)


Hi @eth ,

just wanted to say thanks I got too my wrap this week.

Not finished, but it’s started.

Ive identified a few songs that help 

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

That's great to hear @Former-Member   Mine's a constant work in progress even tho' I've had it for 6 years!  - updates etc and the more I learn about my triggers and new skills for coping - constantly evolving as are we all.

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

Hi @eth ,

Just wondering what you have in your toolbox, any suggestions I’m in a hole.

i was abandoned by mother as a child & Mother’s day has been tough on me.

Just need to pick up & carry on but I’m feeling heavily burdened.

Answering service of my support worker & phych so no support in sight.

Im so angry with myself & guilty I have 2 beautiful kids to be thankful for but I just can’t seem to ease the fatigue & slow my thoughts.

So sick of looking back, I just want to move forward but my minds on play back.

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

Hello @Former-Member  sorry for the delay getting back to you, I've had a lot going on in real life the last few days and haven't managed to get on here as much as usual.  I want you to know I'm thinking of you.  Very sad to hear how difficult (understandably) mothers day is for you.  At least it's passed now.   I get how grief can effect our capacity for caring for others.  For different reasons I had that challenge too for many years while my now adult child was growing up.  I'll have a look at my 'toolbox' now and see what's in it.  It's a fairly long list of activities I do better or enjoy when I'm 'well' that reminds me of things I can do when I'm not travelling so well.  

Listen to music


personal grooming

don't avoid household chores

smoke less

walk more

shopping (choosing recipes and planning lists)


social activities such as art/craft/writing groups or courses such as computer skills

get into nature - beach and bush walks or just sitting quietly outdoors

mindfulness and breathing exercises or some sort of daily quiet time

swimming - I do water tai chi twice a week

MH drop-in centre

keep appointments

N.B.  Sleep Hygeine - the most important for me.  (you can google it, it's a set of      guidelines to follow for people with insomnia)


medication compliance - also crucial for me

adult colouring books, collage, crochet and craft stuff at home

zentangles (another one for you to google)

Meds, moods and sleep chart - helps monitor what's going on

spirituality - for me it's 'new age' and pagan type of stuff but each to their own

work on my WRAP

SANE forums


Hopefully some of these things work for you, or at least prompt you to remember what it is that you enjoy doing.  Living with bipolar and complex PTSD I find it really important to find things I can do quietly at home. 


Also you will see a list of phone numbers on the top right of the page here that you can use if you are really needing support/help and can't see your regular health team.


Take care, Eth

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

@eth , Thank you so much for taking the time to share so many good ideas.

No need for apologies, I really appreciate your thoughts & understand how busy life gets. 

Ive had a busy couple of busy weeks keeping up with it all myself  & when I get tired it just all comes crashing in, & logic goes out the window. Feeling a bit better after a good nights sleep ( only got a couple of hours the night before)

water tai chi sounds blissful & a MH drop in centre sounds great.

we just don’t seem to have anything like this in my area just systematic treatment, no prevention & community.

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

No worries @Former-Member .  I don't know where you are but in NSW there's something called Ability Links which can help people with disabilities inc. MH to find activities in the community.  I agree, it's hard to find things when caught up in the daily struggle.  Google is pretty good - if you want to do something, say writing, just put it and your area on the search bar. e.g. We have a writers centre and a womens centre here that have workshops I found about online.  Your local community centre probably has a range of activities too.

Re: wrap (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

How are you tracking, @Former-Member? 🙂