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Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

Hi @catalytic

I am sorry you're feeling let down and discouraged that your post was rejected. That is certainly not how we want you to feel.

I just wanted to let you know that a moderator did email you this morning in relation to the post. Could you check your email again? Or maybe even have a look in your junk mail, just in case it didn't come through to your inbox?

Indeed - it is important for all members to understand where exactly their post does not adhere to the community guidelines. A moderator will always endevour to email you if a post is rejected, and to clearly explain the necessary steps to take to edit and repost it. I sincerely hope that after reading through the email, you will come to see that it is nothing personal. Rather, the community guidelines and the moderation process is in place just to ensure that the Forums remain a safe and welcoming place for all.

Please let us know if you still haven't received the email after double-checking. Our email is All the best and hope to continue "seeing" you around the place. 🙂


Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

Hey catalytic, I think I understand how you feel. When I first posted here I mentioned the name of a particular drug and the post was removed also. Very frustrating. It can make you feel kind of singled out and persecuted especially if you've come to post something deeply personal - which already puts you in a state of vulnerability in the first place. I really hope you figure out what happened and everything gets sorted out - would like to hear from you again.

Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

so this thread is still here...I have no idea how this stupid forum works. I'd love to know how to contact a moderator and how to get my posts that I spent hours writing back. I want to know why they get deleted since every time you post something you shouldn't a warning comes up. I fixed all the warning, why was it still deleted. Really I know I'm just wasting my time again. That's what you get with forums run by these not for profit agencies funded by the government, they don't like to hear how the services are failing. No one is allowed to complain. If you do you get paid lip service. I was just trying to alert people to these issues.


Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

Hi @catalytic

I am just emailing you now, please respond to the email with the concerns that you hold about the forums and ideas for improvement. I will make sure that the community manager responds to you as soon as she is able to (earliest monday). It sounds like you have had a really difficult experience and I am sorry that we have not been able to provide the outlet that you were hoping for. Hopefully something can be sorted out so that you feel heard and can be a part of our community in the future.

Take Care


Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

@catalytic  Very curious now about what you wrote. I think I understand about how you can't complain about government services or how they treat you without really hurting yourself - google 'infantalization' - stuff will come up including 'how infantalized are you?' It really sucks to have a mental health problem or be unemployed or whatever and have to withstand constantly being treated like a child. The more you get treated like a child the more pissed off you get. It starts to get a bit much after a period of time. I think it's very damaging and people should be treated with more respect by government departments.

Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

Hi yes it is frustrating when you write a post anb it gets deleted it happened to me at the start. But after a while I woked it out, if for eveeveryone's safety. Ie no place names no business names no med names and nothing that could trigger self harm. As there are so many people who have various MHU issues Ican see the need and post to suit.

Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew



I'd be really disappointed if your post was removed due to it being critical of doctors or the mental health system.

Bringing attention/awareness to what is wrong with the current mental health system,or the people that are "service providers", often is what provides a catalyst for change,so to "reject" these posts because they might not fit the "cookie cutter" version of mental illness story does a disservice to patients.

Obviously,if a post states doctors(or other) names then it could cause a lawsuit for Sane organisation,however your post did not state any names so i don't understand the logic behind removing it:(

Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

Please someone help me!!!!

I spent 7 hours on Thursday trying to get my support workers back. I'm getting no where I need a support worker and I'm being DENIED one. Is there any mental health advocates that I can speak to today ? I'm desperate...please please please please someone help me.

Since I cant post which places I've tried trust me when I say I've called them all. Even SANE, not one single person will offer to help me. I should not be calling these places in the state I am in, I need someone to get me the right support. I'm not coping...I'm scared. I just want someone here right now.


Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

Oh @catalytic Sorry to hear that.

I dont know much about services.  Can Carers Vic help you?  Does the BPD Community websites have any referrals that might help .. spectrum  ... melbourne DBT clinic .. go to a GP.

I know you have little kids and need adult support.  it is the norm that parents need other adults.  We are so cut off in little nuclear families.

In the meantime @hiddenite uses positive smells and essential oils and mandalas to help calm her down from being frantic.  I am not sure what will work for you .. we are all so different .. whether its stroking a special charm or wearing a favourite piece of clothing to help you feel safe.  My kids got used to seeing me do Tai Chi or yoga ... keep looking for a GP and try to manage your distress so you can talk to people enough to get what you need.

On the forum we can only try and help from a distance.

Re: What I wish the rest of the world knew

Hi @catalytic

Thanks for your post, it sounds like you have a lot going on at the moment and need some help right now. I am concerned that you seem very distressed and would like to suggest you give Lifeline a call on 13 11 14, and talk to them about what is going on.

In regard to an advocacy service have you tried calling your local community mental health service? You can get access to a consumer or a carer advocate that way. Another option is to call your GP or psychologist and make an appointment with them to try and get a plan in place to get you some support.

Hope this helps
